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Earnings Estimates

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Minority Interest
Minority Interest represents accumulated interest for minority shareholders in subsidiaries that are less than 100 percent owned by the reporting parent company. The net worth of a subsidiary is assumed to be proportionally owned by parent company and other minority shareholders according to their respective ownership percentage.
Minority Interest
Minority Interest represents the share of earnings/losses in subsidiaries that belongs to shareholders other than the parent company when the parent company owns less than 100%, but more than 50%, of a subsidiary. Since the subsidiary’s financials are consolidated with the company, this value will be a negative number to represent the amount the company does not own.
Minority Interest, Supplemental
Minority Interest, Supplemental represents the share of earnings/losses in subsidiaries that belongs to shareholders other than the parent company when the parent company owns less than 100%, but more than 50%, of a subsidiary.
Miscellaneous Earnings Adjustment
Miscellaneous Earnings Adjustment represents an adjustment applied to net earnings that is used to obtain a company’s calculated EPS.
Momentum Definition
Momentum institutions invest in stocks whose price, earnings, or earnings estimates are advancing at a faster rate than the market or other stocks in the same sector. Momentum investors generally look for stocks experiencing upward earnings revisions or producing positive earnings surprises. Most of the investors in this category have relatively high portfolio turnover rates due to a short-term (often quarterly) focus, and therefore will liquidate positions at the slightest hint of a disappointment or deceleration in earnings. Thomson Reuters categorizes these portfolios based on its knowledge of their historical investment behavior.
Natural Gas Production (Cubic Meters)
Natural Gas Production (Cubic Meters) represents the total production of natural gas by the company, in cubic meters.
Natural Gas Reserves, Possible (Cubic Meters)
Natural Gas Reserves, Possible (Cubic Meters) represents the total estimated quantities, in cubic meters, of natural gas reserves that have a chance of being developed under favorable circumstances.
Natural Gas Reserves, Probable (Cubic Meters)
Natural Gas Reserves, Probable (Cubic Meters) represents the total estimated quantities, in cubic meters, of gas reserves which is categorized as “reasonably probable" of being produced using current or likely technology at current prices, with current commercial terms and government consent.
Natural Gas Reserves, Proved (Cubic Meters)
Natural Gas Reserves, Proved (Cubic Meters) represents the total estimated quantities of natural gas, in cubic meters, which geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic andoperating conditions.
Natural Gas, Average Production (Cubic Meters/Day)
Natural Gas, Average Production (Cubic Meters/Day) represents the average production of gas liquids on daily basis by the company, in cubic meters.