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Corporate Governance


Commitment to Corporate Governance

FCMB Group Plc (FCMB) remains committed to institutionalising corporate governance principles as part of the Group's corporate structure. It continues to ensure adherence to the implementation of corporate governance rules of the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Nigerian Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

As in the past, the Board continues to operate in line with its responsibilities as contained in Regulatory Codes of Corporate Governance, the Group's Articles of Association and the Companies and Allied Matters Act. Its oversight of the operations and activities of the Group are carried out transparently, without undue influence.

Essentially, fair value corporate governance depends on the quality and integrity of our directors. Consequently, the Group has undertaken to create the institutional framework conducive to defending the integrity of our directors, and is convinced that on account of this, the Board of FCMB Group Plc is functioning in a highly effective manner. It is intended that we continue to challenge ourselves to improve the standard in areas where need for improvement has been identified.


Board Composition and Independence


Guiding Principles of FCMB Group Plc's Code of Corporate Governance


Role of the Board


Compliance Reporting


Communication with Shareholders