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Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 6 & Beyond
Standardized Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 6 and Beyond represents Total Long Term Debt, Supplemental less Standardized Long Term Debt Maturing within 1 Year, Standardized Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 2, Standardized Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 3, Standardized Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 4 and Standardized Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 5
Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 7
These values represent the amount of long term debt maturing within a specified year following the balance sheet period end date. These values are non-cumulative. If a company presents their long term debt maturities in ranges instead of individual years, each range is divided out and the resulting amounts are distributed evenly across the years in the range.
Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 8
These values represent the amount of long term debt maturing within a specified year following the balance sheet period end date. These values are non-cumulative. If a company presents their long term debt maturities in ranges instead of individual years, each range is divided out and the resulting amounts are distributed evenly across the years in the range.
Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 9
These values represent the amount of long term debt maturing within a specified year following the balance sheet period end date. These values are non-cumulative. If a company presents their long term debt maturities in ranges instead of individual years, each range is divided out and the resulting amounts are distributed evenly across the years in the range.
Long Term Debt Maturing within 1 Year
These values represent the amount of long term debt maturing within a specified year following the balance sheet period end date. These values are non-cumulative. If a company presents their long term debt maturities in ranges instead of individual years, each range is divided out and the resulting amounts are distributed evenly across the years in the range.
Long Term Debt Reduction
Long Term Debt Reduction represents cash outflow on the repayment of long-term debt in a company.
Long Term Debt, Net
Long Term Debt, Net represents the sum of Long Term Debt Issued and Long Term Debt Reduction.
Long Term Investments
Long-Term Investments represents the sum of LT Investments – Affiliate Companies and LT Investments – Other.
Loss (Gain) on Sale of Assets - Operating
Loss (Gain) on Sale of Assets – Operating reflects the excess of sale proceeds over the net book value (purchase price less accumulated depreciation) of a fixed asset. The disposal of assets not only includes the sale, but also exchange or abandonment.
Loss Adjustment
Loss Adjustment represents reversal of non-cash expenses of estimated losses on unreported cases and cases that have been reported, but are still being processed.