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Index Definition
Index investors generally create portfolios that are designed to match the composition of one or more of the broad-based indices such as the S&P 500, the Russell 1000/2000/3000, the Wilshire 5000, or the Nasdaq 100. Therefore, the performance and risk of the portfolio mirrors a section of the broader market. Their investment decisions are driven solely by the makeup of the index that is tracked rather than by an evaluation of the company and its business prospects. As a result, Index firms are often referred to as "passive" investors. Thomson Reuters categorizes these portfolios based on its specific knowledge of their historical investment behavior.
Inpatient Revenue per Admission, Total
Inpatient Revenue per Admission, Total represents the Company level average inpatient revenues earned by the hospital for each admission, as reported by the company. It is obtained using the total billed value of inpatient services divided by the number of admissions.
Inpatient Revenue per Patient Day, Total
Inpatient Revenue per Patient Day, Total represents the Company level average inpatient revenues earned by the hospital for each patient day, as reported by the company. It is obtained using total billed value of inpatient services divided by the total number of patient days.
Insider Holdings
Identifies all insider holdings according to the most recent, publicly available data available to Thomson Reuters. US Insider holdings are sourced from SEC forms 3, 4 and 5. Canadian Insider holdings are sourced from SEDI.

An Insider is defined as a company's officers, directors and any beneficial owners of more than ten percent of a class of the company's equity securities.

Direct Holdings - Shares that are held in the name of the insider.

Indirect Holdings – Shares that are controlled by the insider, yet are held by another entity such as a family member, a trust, a company plan, or even a corporation to which the insider is affiliated. In many cases, the same block of indirect stock may be claimed by several insiders, such as a group of trustees over the same trust, or several partners in the same partnership
Insider Transactions
Identifies the individual insider transactions according to the most recent, publicly available data available to Thomson Reuters. US Insider holdings are sourced from SEC forms 3, 4 and 5. Canadian Insider holdings are sourced from SEDI.

An Insider is defined as a company's officers, directors and any beneficial owners of more than ten percent of a class of the company's equity securities.
Institutions Holding Shares
This is the number of institutions (pension funds, mutual funds, etc.) that currently report an investment position in the company's stock.
Insurance represents the insurance industry for Balance Sheet Operating Metrics information collected by Reuters. The Insurance Industry consists of:
Multi-line insurance companies carrying life and non-life policies.
Property & Casualty insurance companies engaged in insurance underwriting and carriers of property, fire, marine, auto, title, professional liability, funeral, bonding, fidelity and other surety policies.
Life & Health insurance companies engaged in insurance underwriting and carriers of accidental death and dismemberment, disability, dental, health, medical and life policies, as well as the management of annuity plans.
Property and casualty, and life and health Reinsurance carriers.
Insurance represents the insurance industry for Operating Metrics information collected by Reuters. This includes all the operating indicators for the insurance industry, reported by the company.
Insurance Commissions, Fees & Premiums
Insurance Commissions, Fees & Premiums represents commissions, fees and premiums earned from taking or brokering insurance policy subscriptions. It is used only by banks that are involved in insurance as a secondary business activity.
Insurance Receivables
Insurance Receivables represents receivables from policyholders, agencies, and other operating parties in insurance companies, but excludes receivables from reinsurers.